






(一)2011年1月23日至25日,本课题在深圳召开开题论证会。中国人民大学杨慧林教授、耿幼壮教授,北京师范大学方维规教授,北京大学刘树森教授,香港中文大学李炽昌(Archie Lee)教授,香港浸会大学费乐仁(Lauren Pfister)教授,牛津大学罗伯特?恰德(Robert Chard)教授受聘担任本课题学术委员并共同确定了以下事项。

1、吸收部分教师、博士生和博士后研究人员参与研究工作,包括教师李丽琴(人大)、管恩森(山东大学),以及本课题负责人指导的博士生邱业祥、赵倞和博士后陈叙、姜哲、高志强;其中三名博士后人员的研究计划均拟根据本课题所及内容予以制定。同时还拟增补耶鲁大学司马懿(Chloe Starr)副教授为本课题学术委员会委员。

2、课题第一期集中于《论语》和《道德经》两部经典,以理雅各(James Legge)的译文和注疏作为底本,其他版本作为补充。由课题组统一收集相关文献。


4、本课题学术委员会将组织专题学术研讨会,并与西方“经文辩读”(Scriptural Reasoning)的代表性学者展开对话。

(二)2011年8月3日至7日,课题组主办的暑期国际研讨班在北京举行,50多位学者与会,围绕“经典翻译与经文辩读”进行了专题研讨。9位来自不同国家和地区的学者作了专题演讲,包括斯洛伐克科学院高利克(Marián Gálik),瑞士苏黎世大学韦宁(Ralph Weber),英国牛津大学罗伯特?恰德(Robert Chard),美国贝勒大学威廉斯(Daniel Williams),澳大利亚纽斯卡尔大学玻尔(Roland B?er),台湾大学林鸿信,台湾中原大学曾庆豹,以及中国人民大学杨慧林和刘小枫。


(四)2013年7月16-24日课题组在第20届国际比较文学学会巴黎年会上召开以“经文辩读与比较文学”为主题的圆桌会议,邀请David Ford, Peter Ochs等12位哲学家一起就相关论题进行探讨。


(六)2014年2月26日至3月2日, 课题组主要成员参加在美国南卡罗来纳大学举行的“中国与西方:1950年以及其后的经典翻译”中美双边学术研讨会,就经典翻译和比较文学研究的论题和西方学者展开了进一步对话。


(八) 2014年5月18-19日课题组与芝加哥大学神学院的两位学者William Schweiker 和Dwight Hopkins 召开小型研讨会,从伦理学的角度探讨经文辩读。


(一)2012年4月24日,课题组邀请西方“经文辩读”运动的主要代表、美国弗吉尼亚大学资深教授Peter Ochs就“经文辩读的历史、现状及未来”在中国人民大学发表学术演讲。4月26日,中央民族大学又邀请Peter Ochs 和本课题首席专家杨慧林举办专场对话,深入讨论了不同文化传统之间的“经文辩读”及其潜在价值。

(二)2012年6月18-20日,杨慧林及课题组主要成员耿幼壮出席伦敦大学国王学院举办的圆桌会议,其间杨慧林做主题发言Scriptural Reasoning and the Hermeneutical Circle,西方“经文辩读”的另一位代表、英国剑桥大学David Ford教授以及国王学院Oliver Davies教授予以回应。

(三)2012年2月,美国Baylor University Press总编辑Carey C. Newman来访,商定为本课题出版三部英文论文集,其中杨慧林的Religion and Interpretation已经交稿,将于2013年出版,耿幼壮、汪海的两部文集也正在翻译之中。

(四)英国牛津大学出版社出版的A&HCI检索刊物Religion and Literature派现任主编出席本课题于2012年8月27-31日在苏州召开的会议,会后商定由该刊出版一期专辑。

(五)西方“经文辩读”的两位主要代表英国剑桥大学David Ford教授于2012年10月来访,美国弗吉尼亚大学Peter Ochs教授于2013年4月再次来访。其间将讨论2015年春季在美国弗吉尼亚大学就本课题再度召开对话会议的细节。














伊春园2023入口直达大象重大项目“中国古代典籍英译本汇释汇校”曾于2012年6月提交中期评估,并以三项“系列论文”作为代表性成果:杨慧林《中西“经文辩读”的可能性及其价值》(《中国社会科学》2011年第1期),《经文辩读》、《传教士与中国经典》、《“译经”与“释经”》(《基督教文化学刊》25辑、26辑、27辑)等三辑专刊,杨慧林《“经文辩读”与“诠释的循环”》、Peter Ochs《经文辩读:从实践到理论》等五篇专栏文章(《中国人民大学学报》2012年第5期)。其中第一项成果被列为2013年伊春园2023入口直达大象在研重大项目的55项代表性成果之一。

2012年以后,课题组又在《中国文化研究》(2013年春之卷)发表一组专栏文章“中国思想何以进入西方的概念系统”,在《中国高校社会科学》(2013年第一期)发表《文化传播的双向考察:名词的动词性与动词的交互性》,在牛津大学出版的础&补尘辫;贬颁滨学术刊物Literature and Theology, vol.28, No.2 (2014)发表'Scriptural Reasoning' and the 'Hermeneutical Circle',在美国Baylor University Press出版论文集China, Christianity and the Question of Culture (2014)等等。

在系列论文之外,本课题的主体成果也逐渐逐步完成,并将由南京大学出版社出版, 拟于2014年年底交付出版的第一卷(共五册)如下:


《中国哲学家孔子的道德箴言》前言 1

马士曼《孔子的著作》致辞及孔子生平 6

高大卫:《中国经典:四书》序言 21

理雅各《中国经典》第一卷序言 24

詹宁斯《孔子论语》导言 81

辜鸿铭《论语新译》序言 91

翟林奈《孔子箴言》序言 93

赖发洛《孔子语录》序(第二版序) 106

苏慧廉《论语》英译本序言、导论 110

韦利译《论语》“序言”及“导论” 165

庞德:《孔子:〈大学〉、〈中庸〉、〈论语〉》导言等 206

刘殿爵:《孔子:论语》导言 209

托马斯?克利里:《孔子精要》序言及导言 234

白氏夫妇:《论语辨》导言 241

西蒙?莱斯《论语》英译本“前言”及“导论” 254

安乐哲《孔子的论语:一个哲学性的译本》序言、导论 267

森舸澜《孔子论语》之序言、导言及其他 314


第1章:导论………………………………………………………… … 1

第2章:耶稣会士“儒家经典”的翻译及由其产生的《论语》英译本… 21

第3章:马士曼从汉语直接翻译的《论语》——《孔子的著作(第1卷)》 …………………………………………………………………… 33第4章:英华书院早期的《论语》英译——马礼逊及高大卫的翻译实践………………………………………………………………… - 46第5章:中国古代经典英译的高峰——理雅各的《论语》翻译………… - 85

第6章:晚清海关洋员的《论语》英译实践………………………………… - 120

第7章:列入剑桥经典的苏慧廉《论语》译本…………………… - 135

第8章:继承与创新:詹宁斯和翟林奈的《论语》英译………… -170

第9章:中国古代经典翻译学术与流行结合的典范:韦利译《孔子的论语》………………………………………………………………… - 196第10章:致力于以西方视角阐释《论语》的翻译尝试:辜鸿铭的《孔子的对话与格言》………………………………………………………… - 223第11章:诗意与诗化的《论语》英译——庞德拯救西方世界的药方…… - 267

第12章:征服欧美的《论语》英译——刘殿爵的中国经典翻译…… - 298

第13章:学院派的小众翻译——威厄与杜威廉的《论语》英译本…… - 322

第14章:《论语》的哲学化诠释——安乐哲、罗思文的《论语》翻译… - 351

第15章:“疑古”学说的今日西方重现——白氏夫妇的《论语辨》…… - 370

第16章:对中国古代哲学整体理解的大卫?亨顿《论语》译本………… - 392

第17章:新世纪流行的大众化翻译——华兹生的《论语》译本………… - 401

第18章:《论语》的宗教化诠释——邱氏兄弟的《儒家圣经第一部:论语》… - 415

第19章:针对不同读者群的不同翻译——西蒙.莱斯之法、英《论语》翻译… - 432

第20章:以《易》解《论》的尝试——托马斯?克利里的重排《论语》译本… - 455

第21章:森舸灡之四重翻译法的《论语》英译实践……………………………… - 476


孔子的道德箴言(第三部分) 1

马士曼《论语》英译及马礼逊《中华之晷》书评 8

孔 子 [英]马礼逊 19

孔子传略 [英]艾约瑟 24

理雅各《中国经典》书评 35

理雅各《中国经典》、卫三畏《中国总论》及伟烈亚力《中国文献录》书评 [英]查尔斯?亨利?布查尔41

儒教与基督教的比较 [英]理雅各 62

苏慧廉《论语》英译书评 F. W. B. 70

儒家学说及其反对派(第三讲 公元前500-300年) [英]翟理斯 72

孔子及其学派 [英]苏慧廉 86

答询问者 辜鸿铭 93

孔子的智慧(导论) 林语堂 98

阿瑟?韦利《论语》英译书评 [英]翟林奈 117

香港大学出版社1960年版《中国经典》书评 [美]哈洛德?谢迪克 119


1.5《〈论语〉英译本术语引得》,张靖主编。在第四卷的基础上,本册通过预先设计的自动生成检索系统,以杨伯峻《论语译注》所列词语为基础,按照关键词(出现次数)、译文1(译者 章节)、译文2(译者 章节)、译文3……顺序编排。章节从杨伯峻本,如1.1表示《学而》篇第一章。本册将在7月底完成《论语》六个译本的输入工作;9月底完成注释的输入工作。


愛(11) affection (Waley 1.5) ;

kindly feelings (Waley 1.6);

love (Legge 1.5, Soothill 1.5, Lau 1.5, Leys 1.5, Ames 1.5, Legge 1.6, Soothill 1.6, Lau 1.6, Leys 1.6, Ames 1.6)

本(8) foundation (Soothill 1.2);

fundamental (Soothill 1.2);

radical (Legge 1.2);

root(s) (Legge 1.2, Lau 1.2, Leys 1.2, Ames 1.2);

trunk (Waley 1.2);

不知(6) unrecognized (Soothill 1.2, Waley 1.2);

fail to appreciate (Lau 1.2);

ignored ( Leys 1.2);

take no note (Legge 1.2);

unacknowledged (Ames 1.2);

恥辱(6) shame and disgrace (Legge 1.13, Soothill 1.13, Leys 1.2);

disgrace and insult (Lau 1.13, Ames 1.13);

dishonor (Waley 1.13);

傳(6) instructions (Legge 1.4);

percepts (Waley 1.4);

been taught (Soothill 1.4, Leys 1.4);

been passed on (Lau 1.4, Ames 1.4)

德(6) moral(s) (Waley 1.9, Soothill 1.9);

virtue (Legge 1.9, Lau 1.9, Leys 1.9, Ames 1.9);

弟(5) deferential (Ames 1.6);

fraternal (Legge 1.2, Ames 1.2);

obedient (Lau 1.2);

respect for elders (Soothill 1.2);

弟子(6) brother and son (Ames 1.6);

young man (Waley 1.6, Lau 1.6, Leys 1.6);

youth (Legge 1.6, Soothill 1.6);

犯(6) defy(ing) (Leys 1.2, Ames 1.2);

offence (Soothill 1.2);

offending (Legge 1.2);

resist (Waley 1.2);

transgress (Lau 1.2);

泛(6) all (Leys 1.6);

broadly (Ames 1.6);

comprehensive (Soothill 1.6);

overflow (Legge 1.6);

large (Lau 1.6);

towards everyone (Waley 1.6);

複(6) be made good (Legge 1.13);

fulfil (Waley 1.13);

keep (Soothill 1.13, Leys 1.13);

repeated(ing) (Lau 1.13, Ames 1.13);

改(11) abandon (Legge 1.8);

alter (Legge 1.11);

amend(ing) (Soothill 1.8, Waley 1.8, Leys 1.8);

change(s) (Soothill 1.11, Lau 1.11);

mend(ing) (Ames 1.8, Lau 1.8);

reforming (Ames 1.11);

veered (Leys 1.11);

恭(12) courteous (Legge 1.10, Soothill 1.10, Waley 1.10, Leys 1.10);

deferential (Ames 1.10, Ames 1.13);

manners (Leys 1.13);

obeisances (Waley 1.13);

respect (Legge 1.13, Soothill 1.13);

respectful (Lau 1.10, Lau 1.13);

觀(7) discover (Waley 1.11);

look (Legge 1.11);

mark (Soothill 1.11);

observe (Lau 1.11, Ames 1.11);

see (Waley 1.11);

watch (Leys 1.11);

貴(6) matters (Leys 1.12);

prized (Legge 1.12, Waley 1.12);

valuable (Lau 1.12, Ames 1.12);

value (Soothill 1.12)

國(5)country (Legge 1.5, Waley 1.5);

state (Lau 1.5, Leys 1.5,Ames 1.5);

government of a state (Soothill 1.5);

過(6)erred (Ames 1.8);

fault(s) (Legge 1.8, Leys 1.8);

mistake (Waley 1.8, Lau 1.8);

wrong (Soothill 1.8);

行(20)acted (Soothill 1.6);

actions (Leys 1.11);

activity (ies) (Lau 1.6);

behaving (Ames 1.6);

carrying out (Waley 1.11);

conduct (Legge 1.11, Soothill 1.11);

do (Waley 1.6, Leys 1.6, Lau 1.11, Ames 1.11, Legge 1.12, Leys 1.12);

going well (Ames 1.12);

observed (Legge 1.12);

performance (Legge 1.6);

permissible (Soothill 1.12);

work (Lau 1.12, Lau 1.12 , Ames 1.12);

和(9) natural ease (Legge 1.12);

attune (Waley 1.12);

ease (Legge 1.12);

harmony (Waley 1.12, Lau 1.12, Leys 1.12, Ames 1.12);

manifests (Legge 1.12);

natural(ness) (Soothill 1.12);

厚(6)abundant restoration (Soothill 1.9);

fullest (Leys 1.9);

fullness (Lau 1.9);

highest point (Waley 1.9);

proper excellence (Legge 1.9);

thrive (Ames 1.9);

交(12)dealing(s) (Lau 1.4, Lau 1.7);

Interactions (Ames 1.4, Ames 1.7);

Intercourse (Legge 1.4, Soothill 1.4, Waley 1.4, Leys 1.4, Legge1.7, Soothill 1.7, Waley 1.7, Leys 1.7);

節(12)modulated (Waley 1.12);

regulating (Legge 1.12, Lau 1.12, Ames 1.12);

restraints (Soothill 1.12);

subordinated (Leys 1.12);

frugal (Ames 1.5);

economical (Waley 1.5);

economy (Legge 1.5, Soothill 1.5);

keep (Lau 1.5);

thrifty (Leys 1.5);

謹(6)cautious (Waley 1.6, Ames 1.6);

circumspect (Soothill 1.6);

earnest (Legge 1.6);

sparing (Lau 1.6);

talk (Leys 1.6);

敬(6)dignity (Leys 1.5);

religious attention (Soothill 1.5);

respectfully (Ames 1.5);

reverence (Lau 1.5);

reverent attention (Legge 1.5);

attends strictly (Waley 1.5);

君(6)lord (Lau 1.7);

prince (Legge 1.7, Waley 1.7);

Prince (Soothill 1.7);

ruler (Ames 1.7);

sovereign (Leys 1.7);

君子(19)a man of complete virtue (Legge 1.1);

exemplary person (Ames 1.1, Ames 1.2, Ames 1.8);

gentleman (Waley 1.1, Leys 1.1, Waley 1.2, Lau 1.2, Leys 1.2, Waley 1.8, Lau 1.8, Leys 1.8);

gentlemanly (Lau 1.1);

scholar (Legge 1.8);

Scholar (Soothill 1.8);

superior man (Legge 1.2, Lau 1.2);

true philosopher (Soothill 1.1, Soothill 1.2);

禮(13)Decorum (Soothill 1.12);

good taste (Soothill 1.13);

observant of the rights (Lau 1.13);

rites (Lau 1.12);

ritual (Waley 1.12, Leys 1.12, Ames 1.12, Waley 1.13, Leys 1.13);

ritual propriety (Ames 1.12, Ames 1.13, );

rules of propriety (Legge 1.12);

what is proper (Legge 1.13);

良(6)frank (Soothill 1.10, Waley 1.10);

kind (Leys 1.10)

proper (Ames 1.10);

upright (Legge 1.10);

well behaved (Lau 1.10);

令色(6)affected manners (Leys 1.3);

ingratiating demeanour (Soothill 1.3);

ingratiating countenance (Lau 1.3);

insinuating appearance (Legge 1.3, Ames 1.3);

pretentious manner (Waley 1.3);

美(6)admirable feature (Soothill 1.12);

beautiful (Lau 1.12);

beauty (Waley 1.12, Leys 1.12);

elegant (Ames 1.12);

excellent quality (Legge 1.12);

民(11)common people (Ames 1.5, Lau 1.9, Ames 1.9);

labour of the common people (Lau 1.5);

peasantry (Waley 1.5);

people (Legge 1.5 Leys 1.5, Legge 1.9, Waley 1.9);

people’s (Soothill 1.9, Leys 1.9);

public works (Soothill 1.5);

謀(6)acting (Waley 1.4);

dealing (Leys 1.4);

planning (Soothill 1.4);

transacting business (Legge 1.4);

undertaken (Lau 1.4);

undertakings (Ames 1.4);

朋(6)friends (Legge 1.2, Waley 1.2, Leys 1.2, Ames 1.2);

Like minded friends (Lau 1.2);

men of kindred spirit (Soothill 1.2);

志(1)will (Legge 1.11);

tendencies (Soothill 1.11,);

intentions (Waley 1.11)

mind (Lau 1.11);

aspirations (Leys1.11);

intends (Ames1.11)

巧言(6)Artful speech (Soothill 1.3);

Clever talk (Waley 1.3, Leys 1.3);

Cunning words (Lau 1.3);

Fine words (Legge 1.3);

glib speech (Ames 1.3);

親(12)ally (Soothill 1.6);

associate (Leys 1.6);

close (Ames 1.13);

cultivate the friendship (Legge 1.6, Lau 1.6);

friends (Soothill 1.13);

intimacy (Waley 1.6);

intimate (Ames 1.6, Legge 1.13);

kin (Waley 1.13);

kinsmen (Lau 1.13, Leys 1.13);

讓(6)complaisant (Legge 1.10);

deferential (Soothill 1.10, Waley 1.10, Lau 1.10, Leys 1.10);

unassuming (Ames 1.10);

人(6)all men (Leys 1.5);

fellow men (Lau 1.5);

men (Legge 1.5)

peers (Ames 1.5);

people (Soothill 1.5)

subjects in general (Waley 1.5)

仁(17)authoritative conduct (Ames 1.2, Ames 1.3);

benevolent (Lau 1.3);

benevolent actions (Legge 1.2);

character (Lau 1.2);

conduct(ren仁) (Ames 1.6);

good (Legge 1.6, Soothill 1.6);

Good (Waley 1.3, Waley 1.6);

goodness (Leys 1.3);

Goodness (Waley 1.2);

humanity (Leys 1.2);

true virtue (Legge 1.3);

unselfish life (Soothill 1.2);

Virtue (Soothill 1.3);

virtuous (Leys 1.6);

色(4)beauty (Ames 1.7);

feminine allurement (Soothill 1.7);

good looks (Leys 1.7);

the love of beauty (Legge 1.7);

上(6)above (Soothill 1.2);

authority (Ames 1.2);

superiors (Legge 1.2, Lau 1.2, Leys 1.2);

the authority of their superiors (Waley 1.2);

慎(6)careful (Legge 1.9);

circumspect (Ames 1.9);

honored (Leys 1.9);

meticulous care (Lau 1.9);

proper respect (Waley 1.9);

Solicitude (Soothill 1.9);

生(6)evolve (Soothill 1.2);

grow up (Legge 1.2, Lau 1.2, Ames 1.2);

grows (Waley 1.2);

unfolds (Leys 1.2);

失(4)betrayed (Waley 1.13);

fails (Soothill 1.13);

lose (Lau 1.13, Ames 1.13);

時(12)at due times (Waley 1.2,);

at due intervals (Lau 1.2);

at the right time (Leys 1.2);

constant perseverance (Legge 1.2);

constantly (Soothill 1.2);

proper seasons (Legge 1.5, Soothill 1.5,);

proper times of the year (Waley 1.5);

repeatedly (Ames 1.2);

right seasons (Lau 1.5,);

right times (Leys 1.5)

the proper times of the year (Ames 1.5);

使(5)employ (Lau 1.5);

employment (Legge 1.5,Soothill 1.5);

mobilize (Leys 1.5);

put (Ames 1.5);

uses (Waley 1.5)

説(6)joy (Leys 1.2);

pleasant (Legge 1.2);

pleasure (Soothill 1.2, Waley 1.2, Lau 1.2, Ames 1.2);

悌(4)obedient (Lau 1.6);

Repect his elders (Leys 1.6);

respectful to his elders (Legge 1.6, Soothill 1.6);

威(6)authority (Leys 1.8);

awe (Lau 1.8);

dignity (Ames 1.8);

respect (Soothill 1.8, Waley 1.8);

veneration (Legge 1.8);

溫(6)benign (Legge 1.10, Soothill 1.10);

cordial (Waley 1.10, Lau 1.10, Leys 1.10, Ames 1.10);

文(5)cultivated (Lau 1.6)

literature (Leys 1.6);

polite studies (Legge 1.6, Soothill 1.6,);

polite arts (Waley 1.6);

聞(6)find (Waley 1.10);

hears (Soothill 1.10);

informed (Leys 1.10);

know (Lau 1.10);

learn (Legge 1.10, Ames 1.10);

務(6)bends his attention (Legge 1.2);

concentrate their efforts on (Ames 1.2);

devotes (Soothill 1.2, Lau 1.2);

works (Waley 1.2, Leys 1.2);

習(12)application (Legge 1.2);

apply (Ames 1.2);

exercise (Soothill 1.2);

mastered and practiced (Legge 1.4);

practice(ed) (Soothill 1.4,Leys 1.4, Ames 1.4);

practise (Lau 1.4);

put it into practice (Leys 1.2);

repeat (Waley 1.2, Waley 1.4);

try it out (Lau 1.2 );

鮮(12)few (Legge 1.2);

hardly (Leys 1.2);

rare (Soothill 1.2, Lau 1.2, Ames 1.2, Lau 1.3, Ames 1.3);

rarely (Soothill 1.3);

seldom (Waley 1.2, Legge 1.3, Waley 1.3, Leys 1.3);

賢(11)applies it as sincerely to the love of (Legge 1.7);

care(Ames 1.7);

character(Ames 1.7);

deference(Lau 1.7);

excelling in moral excellence (Soothill 1.7);

men of excellence (Lau 1.7);

moral(Soothill 1.7);

transfers his mind from (Soothill 1.7)

values(Leys 1.7);

virtue(Leys 1.7);

virtuous(Legge 1.7);

treat (Waley 1.7);

betters (Waley 1.7);

孝(15)a good son (Waley 1.11);

be a good son (Lau 1.6, Lau 1.11);

dutiful (Leys 1.11);

filial (Legge 1.2, Soothill 1.2, Legge 1.6, Soothill 1.6, Legge 1.11,

Soothill 1.11, Ames 1.11);

Filial piety (Legge 1.2);

filial(xiao孝) (Ames 1.6);

is good as a son (Lau 1.2);

respect his parents (Leys 1.6);

孝/悌(1)behave well to his parents (Waley 1.6);

孝弟(3)behave well towards their parents and elder brothers (Waley 1.2);

filial-and-fraternal-responsibility(xiaodi孝弟) (Ames 1.2);

respects-his-parents-and-his-elders (Leys 1.2);

信(36)agreements (Legge 1.13);

be trustworthy in what you say (Lau 1.8);

faithful (Leys 1.4);

faithfulness (Leys 1.8);

good faith (Soothill 1.5, Leys 1.5, Leys 1.6);

keep promise (Waley 1.8);

observes (Waley 1.5);

promise(s) (Soothill 1.13, Waley 1.13, Leys 1.13);

punctual (Waley 1.6);

punctually observes his promises (Waley 1.5)

sincere (Legge 1.4, Legge 1.7, Soothill 1.7);

sincerity (Legge 1.5, Legge 1.8, Soothill 1.8);

true (Waley 1.4, Waley 1.7, Leys 1.7);

trustworthy (Lau 1.4, Lau 1.5, Lau 1.6, Lau 1.7, Lau 1.13);

truthful (Legge 1.6, Soothill 1.6);

word(xin信) (Ames 1.4, Ames 1.5, Ames 1.6, Ames 1.7, Ames 1.8,

Ames 1.13);

學(20)acquire knowledge (Soothill 1.2);

educated (Soothill 1.7, Waley 1.7, Leys 1.7, Ames 1.7);

education (Waley 1.8);

learn(ing/ed) ( Lau 1.2, Legge 1.2, Waley 1.2, Leys 1.2, Legge 1.7, Legge 1.8, Soothill 1.8, Leys 1.8);

schooled (Lau 1.7);

study(ies/ed) (Ames 1.2, Lau 1.8, Ames 1.8, Ames 1.6);

亦(4)also (Soothill 1.12);

likewise (Legge 1.12);

otherwise (Leys 1.12);

still (Waley 1.12);

易(1)withdraws his mind from (Legge 1.7);

易色(2)right countenance (Lau 1.7);

Wears an air of respect (Waley 1.7);

義(6)appropriate(yi義)(Ames 1.13);

maral(Lau 1.13);

what is right (Legge 1.13, Soothill 1.13, Waley 1.13, Leys 1.13);

因(6)accommodating (Ames 1.13);

confide(Soothill 1.13);

leans (Legge 1.13);

Marry (Waley 1.13);

promoting good relationship with relatives by marriage (Lau 1.13);

The best support (Leys 1.13);

用(6)brought about (Lau 1.12);

function (Ames 1.12);

practicing (Leys 1.12);

practising (Legge 1.12);

usages (Soothill 1.12, Waley 1.12);

由(6)arising (Soothill 1.12);

depend upon (Waley 1.12);

follow (Legge 1.12);

followed (Lau 1.12);

guiding standard (Ames 1.12);

inspired (Leys 1.12);

與(6)given (Legge 1.10, Lau 1.10, Leys 1.10);

offered (Ames 1.10);

tell him of their own accord (Waley 1.10);

tendered (Soothill 1.10);


distant ancestors (Ames 1.9);

far away (Waley 1.9);

keep… at a distance (Soothill 1.13,);

keep … at bay (Waley 1.13, Leys 1.13);

keep… a distance (Ames 1.13);

keeps far from (Legge 1.13, Ames 1.13);

long gone (Legge 1.9);

long after (Soothill 1.9)

remote ancestors (Leys 1.9);

stay clear (Lau 1.13);

樂(6)delight (Leys 1.2);

delightful(Legge 1.2, Soothill 1.2, Waley 1.2);

enjoyment (Ames 1.2);

joy (Lau 1.2);

在(6)alive (Legge 1.11, Waley 1.11, Leys 1.11, Ames 1.11);

lives (Soothill 1.11);

living (Lau 1.11);

政(6)administration (Soothill 1.10);

being governed (Ames 1.10);

government (Legge 1.10, Lau 1.10);

policy (Waley 1.10);

志(5)aspirations (Leys 1.11);

intends (Ames 1.11);

intentions (Waley 1.11);

mind (Lau 1.11);

tendencies (Soothill 1.11);

致(5)devote (Legge 1.7);

give (Leys 1.7, Ames 1.7);

lay down (Soothill 1.7, Waley 1.7);

忠(11)conscientiousness (Soothill 1.8);

do my best (Lau 1.4);

do your best for others (Lau 1.8);

faithful to his superiors (Legge 1.4, Waley 1.8);

faithfulness (Legge 1.8);

loyal to their interests (Waley 1.4);

loyalty (Leys 1.8);

trustworthy (Leys 1.4);

utmost (Ames 1.8);

utmost (zhong忠)(Ames 1.4);

終(6)dead (Waley 1.9, Leys 1.9);

decease of parents (Soothill 1.9);

funeral rites to parents (Legge 1.9);

funeral of your parents (Lau 1.9)

funerary services (Ames 1.9);

眾(4) all (Legge 1.6);

all men (Soothill 1.6);

multutide (Lau 1.6, Ames 1.6);

people (Leys 1.6);

主(6)chief principles (Soothill 1.8);

first principles (Legge 1.8);

First an foremost (Waley 1.8);

foremost (Leys 1.8);

guiding principle (Lau 1.8);

mainstay (Ames 1.8);

追遠(1)let not sacrifices to your remote ancestors be forgoten (Lau 1.9);

宗(5)being looked up to as the head of the clan (Lau 1.13);

esteem (Ames 1.13);

guides and masters (Legge 1.13);

present her to your Ancestors (Waley 1.13);

trust (Soothill 1.13);

作亂(6)creating disorder (Soothill 1.2);

foment a rebellion (Leys 1.2)

initiating rebellion (Ames 1.2);

start a rebllion (Lau 1.2);

starting a revolution (Waley 1.2);

stirring up confusion (Legge 1.2);



administered (Waley 1.5);

All practical courses (Legge 1.2);

conduct (Soothill 1.5);

govern (Leys 1.5);

guiding (Lau 1.5);

household (Waley 1.11);

regulations (Soothill 1.12);

right courses (Soothill 1.2);

rule (Legge 1.5);

way(s) ( Ames 1.2, Ames 1.5, Legge 1.11, Soothill 1.11, Lau 1.11, Leys 1.11, Ames 1.11, Legge 1.12,Lau 1.12, Leys 1.12, Ames 1.12);

Way (Waley 1.2, Lau 1.2, Leys 1.2, Waley 1.12);

1) administered

1.5 Arthur Waley A country of a thousand war chariots cannot be administered unless the ruler attends strictly to business, punctually observes his promises, is economical in expenditure, shows affection towards his subjects in general, and uses the labour of the peasantry only at the proper times of year.

2) all practical courses

1.2 James Legge The superior man bends his attention to what is radical. That being established, all practical courses naturally grow up.

3) conduct

1.5 W. E. Soothill To conduct the government of a State of a thousand chariots there must be religious attention to business and good faith, economy in expenditure and love of the 人people, and their employment on public works at the proper seasons.

4) govern

1.5 Simon Leys To govern a state of middle size, one must dispatch business with dignity and good faith; be thrifty and love all men; mobilize the people only at the right times.

5) guiding

1.5 D. C. Lau In guiding a state of thousand chariots, approach your duties with reverence and be trustworthy in what you say; keep expenditure under proper regulation and love your fellow men; employ the labour of the common people in the right seasons.

6) household

1.12 Arthur Waley If for the whole three years of mourning he manages to carry out the household exactly as in his father’s day, then he is a good son indeed.

7) regulations

1.12 W. E. Soothill In the regulations of the ancient kings this was the admirable feature, both small and great arising there from.

8) right courses

1.2 W. E. Soothill The true philosopher devotes himself to the fundamental, for when that has been established right courses naturally evolve; and are not filial devotion and respect for elders the very foundation of an unselfish life?

9) rule

1.5 James Legge To rule a country of a thousand chariots, there must be reverent attention to business, and sincerity; economy in expenditure, and love for men; and the employment of the people at the proper seasons.

10) way(s)

1.2 Roger T. Ames Exemplary person(junzi君子) concentrate their efforts on the root, for the root having taken hold, the way(dao道) will grow there from.

1.5 Roger T. Ames The way(dao道) to lead a thousand chariot state effectively is to carry out your official duties respectfully and make good on your word(xin信); be frugal in your expenditures and love your peers; and put the common people to work only at the proper time of year.”

1.11 James Legge In the ways prescribed by the ancient kings, this is the excellent quality, and in things small and great we follow them.

1.11 W. E. Soothill If for three years he does not change from his father’s ways he may be called filial.

1.11 D. C. Lau If, for three year, he makes no changes to his father's ways, he can be said to be a good son.

1.11 Simon Leys If three years later, the son has not veered from the father's way, he may be called a dutiful son indeed.

1.11 Roger T. Ames A person who for three years refrains from reforming the ways (dao道) of his late father can be called a filial son(xiao孝).

1.12 James Legge In the ways prescribed by the ancient kings, this is the excellent quality, and in things small and great we follow them.

1.12 D. C. Lau Of the ways of the Former Kings, this is the most beautiful, and is followed alike in matters great and small, yet this will not always work: to aim always at harmony without regulating it by the rites simply because one knows only about harmony will not, in fact, work.

1.12 Simen Leys This is what made the beauty of the way of the ancient kings; it inspired their every move, great or small.

1.12 Roger T. Ames In the ways of the Former Kings, this achievement of harmony made them elegant ,and was a guiding standard in all things large and small. But when things are not going well, to realize harmony just for its own sake without regulating the situation through observing ritual propriety will not work.”

11) Way(s)

1.2 Arthur Wayley When that is firmly set up, the Way grows.

D.C. Lau The gentleman devotes his efforts to the roots, for once the roots are established, the Way will grow there from.

Simon Leys Once the root is secured, the Way unfolds.



















Peter Ochs




































































Scriptural Reasoning' and the 'Hermeneutical Circle

Yang Huilin


Literature and Theology,

vol.28, No.2 (2014)




China, Christianity and the Question of Culture

Yang Huilin


Baylor University Press, April, 2014

264 pages








































